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Members of the Institute for Theoretical Physics III

Head of Institute

Prof. Dr. Dagmar Bruß
Building: 25.32
Floor/room: 03.58
+49 211 81-10679
+49 211 81-11613992
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Prof. Dr. Hans-Karl Janssen
Building: 25.33
Floor/room: 01.23
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Homepage of Prof. Janssen

Secretary's Office

M.A. Cordula Hoffjan
Building: 25.32
Floor/room: 03.60
+49 211 81-13992
+49 211 81-11613992
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Office Hours Monday - Thursday from 09:00 - 14:00

Research staff members

PD Hermann Kampermann
Building: 25.32
Floor/room: 03.44
+49 211 81-14679
+49 211 81-11337
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Tulja Varun Kondra
Building: 25.32
Floor/room: 03.50
+49 211 81-11379
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Dr. habil. Anton Trushechkin
Building: 25.32
Floor/room: 03.46
Dr. Nikolai Wyderka
Building: 25.32
Floor/room: 03.56
PhD student
Pedro Barrios
Building: 25.32
Floor/room: 03.40
PhD student
Raphael Brinster
Building: 25.32
Floor/room: 03.56
PhD student
Ghislaine Coulter de-Wit
Building: 25.32
Floor/room: 03.46
PhD student
Julia Kunzelmann
Building: 25.32
Floor/room: 03.42
+49 211 81-14317
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PhD student
Yien Liang
Building: 25.32
Floor/room: 03.42
PhD student
Justus Neumann
Building: 25.32
Floor/room: 03.40
+49 211 81-14557
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Master student
Marco Battiato
Building: 25.32
Floor/room: 03.32

Master student
Carolin Deckers
Building: 25.32
Floor/room: 03.32

Master student
Michael Duller
Building: 25.32
Floor/room: 03.32

Master student
Julian Eisfeld
Building: 25.32
Floor/room: 03.32

Master student
Julius Kamp
Building: 25.32
Floor/room: 03.32

Bachelor student
Tim Backhausen
Building: 25.32
Floor/room: 03.32

Bachelor student
Pascal Braun
Building: 25.32
Floor/room: 03.32

Bachelor student
Ole Cohausz
Building: 25.32
Floor/room: 03.32

Bachelor student
Simon Funda
Building: 25.32
Floor/room: 03.32

Bachelor student
Simon Hermes
Building: 25.32
Floor/room: 03.32

Bachelor student
Henrik Hinzmann
Building: 25.32
Floor/room: 03.32

Bachelor student
Sascha Jansen
Building: 25.32
Floor/room: 03.32

Bachelor student
Mark Petzoldt
Building: 25.32
Floor/room: 03.32

Bachelor student
Ole Schillmüller
Building: 25.32
Floor/room: 03.32

Bachelor student
Lea van Dellen
Building: 25.32
Floor/room: 03.32

Bachelor student
Johannes Wieding
Building: 25.32
Floor/room: 03.32

Non-scientific members

System administrator
Jens Bremer
Building: 25.32
Floor/room: 03.38
+49 211 81-15681
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Former group members

Priv. Doz. Dr. Georg Foltin, Dr. Matthias Kleinmann, Dr. Tim Meyer, Dipl. Phys. Patrick Skwara, Dr. Razmik Unanyan, Dr. Colin Wilmott, Dr. Zahra Shadman, Phuc Luu Thanh, M.Sc., Dr. Markus Mertz, Dr. Alexander Streltsov, Dr. Silvestre Abruzzo, Dr. Sylvia Bratzik, Jan Börker, M.Sc., Dr. Junyi Wu, Dr. Michael Epping, Dr. Jochen Szangolies, Markus Zibull, M.Sc., Benjamin Sanvee, B.Sc., Dr. Felix Bischof, Dr. Timo Holz, Tatiana Mihaescu, M.Sc., Christian Keller, Silvia Ehrmann, M.Sc., Dr. Giulio Gianfelici, Biswash Ghimire, Juan Manuel Henning, Daniel Miller, Christophe Hoffmeister, Serwan Jassim, Johannes Moerland, Carlo Liorni, Ayesha Din, Dr. Thomas Wagner, Dr. Sarnava Datta, Dr. Lucas Tendick, Dr. Federico Grasselli, Malte Zehnpfennig, M.Sc., Dr. Chandan Datta, Giacomo Carrara, Luis Gindorf, Cedric Péch, Dr. Gláucia Murta


Responsible for the content: Jens Bremer : Contact by e-mail